Site Technology in partnership with Neurosoft participated in the Internet of Things (IoTx) conference and exhibition, supported by Dubai Electronic Security Services, Dubai Police and the National Crime Agency-UK at the Dubai World Trade Centre on the 1st, 2nd and the 3rd of May 2018, in the presence of 100 partners worldwide.
It was represented by a senior delegation including:
Atheer Khaled – Division Manager – Integrated Security Division
Janusz Wrobel – Neurosoft CEO
The technology firm used the event platform to showcase breakthrough Artificial Intelligence road safety and security solutions that are geared towards enabling more intelligent traffic laws enforcement and which can be implemented by public and private sector entities, such as:
1) License Plate Recognition (ANPR) as well as identifying the make, model, and color (MMR)
2) System of motion analysis and detection of traffic incidents
3) Overloaded and oversized vehicles detection system (Weight in Motion)
4) Red-light violation control system
5) U-Turn Violation control system
6) Dangerous Goods violation control system
7) Average section speed control system
8) Separate urban and industrial areas access control system
9) Traffic analysis, statistics and information points
10) Intelligent intersections
The IoTX Dubai brought together over 7,000 top technology professionals to discover cutting-edge solutions, shared insights with industry experts and equipped themselves with the right tools to facilitate the digitization of their organizations