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ite Technology Honored by DUBAI POLICE for Providing AV Equipment for the SUMMER OF INNOVATION Program


Site Technology was honored by Major General Ahmed Mohamed Rafie after the conclusion of the “Summer of Innovation” program at Dubai Police. Site Technology was recognized for its’ collaborative efforts, providing the AV equipment for the program.


he program was organized by Dubai Police Innovation Council and the General Administration of Administrative Affairs. It witnessed the participation of 12 experts and specialists in innovation, artificial intelligence, and prospects and was open to 2520 participants, including 720 police officers and 1,800 college students via the LiveTabs “Online” platform.

The huge success of the Dubai Police innovation program among staff and students from various universities was mainly due to discussing important topics related to modern technologies, such as electronic fraud, computer science vs. AI, and machine learning vs. deep learning. Participants also learned about the sustainability of innovation and how it can be used to map the course of the future.

Site Technology was delighted to have taking part of this innovative project, a well appreciated contribution awarded by the end of the program distinguished by the high level of engagement of the participants, as well as the easy access for information at the Innovation Lab for Dubai Police employees.